Actual Reads

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Designing An Agency Structure

Structure your team, around your business goals. Perhaps you’re trying to build new service offerings into an existing team. Or maybe you’re trying to grow your team to service the growing demand from your brilliant inbound marketing or web marketing efforts.

There are many different types of organizational structures, and a world of pros and cons to each. But pros and cons don’t exist in a vacuum, they need context. So in order to assess the suitability of one structure above another, you need to evaluate them against your own goals.

Traditionally, decision making is centralized in an organization and often sits, and often slows, with senior managers. In the kind of agile content and digital marketing agencies we’re seeing prosper today, specialists tend to sit in the middle levels of the organization. Give them the power and responsibility to make good decisions for the client, and you’ll not only see strong, speedy decision making, you’ll be creating a true sense of ownership and pride in your leaders of the future, your corporate motivators.

For smaller agencies that are trying to grow quickly, a more generalist approach allows for more flexibility as your people can tackle a broader array of tasks. This increases your productivity and the value of each hire. However, for larger and more established agencies, refining some specialist areas will make it easier to establish your agency as a leader in certain areas. Don’t be afraid to create new roles for stellar specialists that come your way, particularly if their skill set is in high demand.

Employees love an opportunity to learn new things. And once you have the right structure, it is easy to see who could potentially pick up a new job related skill. Before you jump into training mode though, check off a few things.

Does this person have a natural aptitude for similar tasks? Do they pick things up quickly and apply them intuitively? Are they interested in the field you want them to grow in? Once you’ve decided who should do what, get them involved in finding the best training or mentoring program for them, and create a plan with a timeline for completion and commercialization of their new skill. Remember, always try new services and skills out on your own web marketing or social media marketing process to refine it before you take it to market.


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