Actual Reads

Monday, November 14, 2016

Providing Great Data Driven Support

Based on the current flow of business development technology, it is time to start leveraging customer analytics. Not only does it give your consumers and your brand higher chances of success, it also quantifies your contribution to them.
Like it or not, there will come a certain point in a business' growth stages, wherein analytics becomes a job requirement. Hence, the transition of your customer support to becoming data driven is imminent. And to those who still argue the point, a simple clinching fact should be that data is harder to argue with and gets the attention of decision makers.
The first place to start in setting up your consumer data management service is with the help desk reporting features. There are some things that are easier to measure and generate figures for than others, so it is imperative that you do not focus on only the obvious data measurements and provide those that are not easily accessible to consumers, such as peak dates of conversion rates for consumer actions.
Present compelling data is definitely more feasible for success conversion as opposed to speaking in terms of generalized or approximated figures, such as "more of the customers say they want this" or "numbers show that more consumers prefer that". It is not compelling to the people who make the budgeting and spending decisions. So, deliver your information in the format that your recipient prefers to have it in. And be flexible enough to adapt your communication means depending on the type of people that you are trying to convince. Especially when you are working with other teams within or outside of your project organization.
All of these are what makes successful sales and consumer teams. Providing a data driven type of support to consumers and businesses are revenue related goals which would get your project initiatives the green light. Especially because they know how to make a compelling case with the data they have.


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