☟ Click-to-Play Embeds
- Previews are lightweight. Yay performance!
- Previews are benign. Anything that might happen in an Embed will only happen after it is explicitly run (i.e. make sound).
☺ Best Pen of the Month
There are three fun and interesting community-launched creative challenges going on in CodePen-land. The Pens these challenges inspired are eye poppingly good!
- CodeVember is a bit like NaNoWriMo. The idea is "30 Days, 30 Creative experiments". Anything goes! Get those creative juices flowing.
- The TenLines
Challenge: What can you do with just 10 CSS properties and the given set of 10 HTML elements?
- CSSHaiku is more restrictive with CSS (only 3 properties) but any markup is fair game.

Topping all categories!
Yuzmeister's Pen, "Particle Links", got the nod for all 3 categories!
Check out our exclusive interview with the "Thieveng Dev" in the next issue!
More New Stuff
So Much Talent ❤
Some Pens that have been dropping jaws around the CodePen office:
"[P]ut yourselves out there. Don’t doubt, don’t be shy, don’t second-guess, don’t give up. Ask questions, ask for help, reach out, and you’ll find people reaching back."
The Job Board
Our Job Board is cool because it can both help you find a job, or help you hire the help you need at your current job.
If you're looking for a new job, come check out opportunities from:
and many more!
Until next time,
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