Actual Reads

Monday, July 13, 2015

Selfie Backlinks

When you’re building links, you’re gaming Google’s algorithm. The algorithm is designed to be a standalone guide to search engine rankings. Whenever we build links for SEO, we’re messing with that algorithm. We’re essentially tricking it by making it believe that our website has more link value than it actually does.

There are other ways to go about building links as safely and as naturally as possible. Though it is still playing with the algorithm, however, at this point, Google understands SEO is a common marketing strategy. If your website provides value and you just need some links to get the ball rolling, you’ll probably be okay. Just remember the fact that there are still some risks involved. Especially if you’re trying to beat city hall.   

Websites, based on the number of links they have and their site age, have a specific amount of link juice. If a website links to you, they transfer some of their juice to your website. To explain, if a high ranking and widely known website, like USA.GOV , linked to a website I own by referencing a service I provide, I will receive a massive boost in the search engine rankings. This is because a massive authority figure on the web have so much link juice already over time that whenever it sends out a link, a small portion of that juice gets transferred.

Now, most people realize that when a website links to you, it transfers link juice to your website. What they don’t realize, though, is that when you link to your own website, it also transfers and builds link juice. Yes, some of the most effective SEO strategies rely on building a massive network of links between all the pages on your website. This builds a significant amount of link juice within your own website, and ensures that if an external website links to one of your pages, the link juice gets shared within all of your interlinking pages. Hence, instead of high risk linking, you can make use of subdomains for any other areas that you may have for your business or whatever your website is for. And set up a new website in it and you can start making links to reference visitors back to the home site.


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