Actual Reads

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Alternative To Franchising

It's no secret that Franchises are one of the most proven business models out there, instead of mom and pop opening up shop with no clue what they're doing. They can get a franchise with a proven business model, a consultant to help them get set up, or readily made marketing materials from corporate. Basically everything they need to get up and running. However, I propose a much more lucrative, lower-risk, lower-stress way to build a business.

First let's look at the big drawbacks of Franchises. One is the high start-up costs, like if you want to get going with a McDonald's, you can expect to shell out over a million bucks. Then, you've still got to purchase equipment, secure the land, get the store built and much more. After that, you have to keep it all up, maintaining a business and the property alone isn’t that much fun. You've also got employees to hire and manage, they aren't usually paid the best so then you've got wage wars, possible protest rallies for higher pay and the likes. You've got loads of codes to adhere to, you're at the Franchiser's beck and call, they can access your financial records whenever they want and tell you when they want, say, weekly income reports, all around, there are a lot of drawbacks involved.

Really, there are a lot of drawbacks to any brick-and-mortar business, and I don't think I could ever run a business like that. So, what's better than Franchising? Licensing!

Much lower start-up costs and overhead, no employees, no physical business or inventory needed, no big fancy demands from corporate and you have more control of your marketing. Basically, you get all the benefits, and then some, without any of the drawbacks. Think about it, work from home or coffee shops or while traveling, getting lucrative commissions all the way from $49 to $15,000, full support from the company as well as 24/7 contact with other Licensee's, opportunities for further growth and freedom by attending the yearly Masterminds that are set in the most fabulous locations on earth, and we're just getting started here.

Licensing is for the person that see's the benefits in a proven system that works and gives them all they need to succeed. Yet, they still want a life. They want freedom. They want time to do what they want, when they want. Just imagine a life like that. It's the ultimate leverage. If that sounds good to you, than MTTB isn't 'A' system for you...

It's 'THE' system for you!

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